Monday, November 3, 2008

Please Stop Calling

As a kid I thought it was pretty cool that we lived in such an important state in the national elections. I've since been disabused of that notion. It's nice of John McCain and Sarah Palin to think of enough of us to warn us about the dangers of Barack Obama, but I think one call a day would be sufficient to accomplish that task--not the 10-12 we've been getting. I don't think I've been this annoyed with a politician since John Edwards made me a 1/2 hour late getting home in 04--the police cleared 670 so that his entourage could safely get out to New Albany for a fund raiser leaving a slew of us stranded on the on-ramp from the downtown interchange while we waited for his limosine to pass by (of course if you're not familar with Columbus this is pretty much meaningless).

Anyway, I'll be glad when this election is over. Sometime I'd like to see an election where the candidates actually make a case for themselves rather than against the other guy. I find it disingenuous to suggest that McCain would be the equivalent of a third Bush term, and I really don't believe Obama is a Socialist. But that's just me...

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